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News: An Engaging Collaboration

Really looking forward to working with 25 young architects and engineers in Mosul. ICCROM's capacity building programme is an exciting initiative and "a major component the ‘Capacity Building for Holistic, Sustainable and Resilient Heritage Recovery of Mosul’ initiative, a partnership between ICCROM and UNESCO being delivered in collaboration with the University of Mosul, with generous financial support from the United Arab Emirates and the European Union".

A very human way in which identity is connected to a particular place is by a feeling that you belong to that place. It’s a place that you feel comfortable, or at home, because part of how you define yourself is symbolised by certain qualities of that place.


F.M.H..... MLitt Peace & Conflict, Msc Architectural Conservation BA (Hons) Int. Architecture; MCSD, PgC TLHE
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