A Place to be Adventurous

One day, I aim to create a place for mindful adventure to happen …
The last few months have been inspiring and thought-provoking. I have had the privilege to work with students and graduates in Mosul (Iraq), Oslo (Norway) Rotterdam (Holland) and again in Mosul (Iraq).
The Architecture and Engineer graduates in Mosul were engaged in ICCROM’s Heritage Recovery Programme, the students from Høyskolen Kristiania were workshopping reuse options for the old Munch Museum (now that the new one is open), the students of Transformational Design at the Willem de Kooning Academy were exploring ideas to stimulate and apply Technology, Science and Art to “deeply impact our lives on a personal, social and economic level”
What a wonderful range of diverse and interesting projects to help support. I learnt so much from working with the participant. I left each project inspired and energized to evaluate my own practice and research.
The main impressions I would like to share are simple:
1. I wish all the participants I met, could meet each other and work on a project or two. In a place that resonates with the importance of challenging stereotypes, institutional thinking, and bias in a safe and encouraging environment where everyone is equal and respected. An environment where the so-called ‘experts’ hang up their egos outside the studio door and muck in as listeners and catalysts, co-learners and ambassadors for change and curiosity.
2. I wish there is more cross-disciplinary curiosity – problem-solving is not just for creative institutions – everyone is creative at work where problems surface – I want to learn from them – I want to learn from people in the shipping industries, banking, oil and gas, plastics and environmental activists ....etc. I started this exploration in Singapore (as chair of a British Chamber of Commerce’s business group and a board member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee) - it’s been a passion ever since.
One day, I aim to create a place for mindful adventure to happen … 😊
