A Valuable Mediation Resource

“Sometimes people need a mediator with the relevant experience to get the most out of a project and those involved” FMH
I offer a valuable mediation resource to those engaged in projects involving the built-environment (client, steering groups, management team, designer, owner, and the end-user etc)
I offer objective advice in three key areas:
Place: Frazer understands that there is nothing that we do in life, that’s un-placed. And therefore, places, the memories and emotions they orchestrate are critical in how people conduct themselves in business and in society.
“If the conflict is related to place, an interior, exterior, yours or another’s these complications can have a wide variety of consequences whether personal or economic these issues will have far-reaching effects. They have such meaning, often they can be inherited through the generations, they can impact other businesses, mental health and lead to complications in relationships and futures. They can ruin reputations, be used to reinforce power dynamics, amplify or weaponise personality or cultural clashes. 'Place' is such a fundamental aspect of human life that conflict around it has split families, project teams and even whole countries, therefore, its essential to manage it carefully especially when it becomes an aspect of dispute”.
Project: Frazer recognises that a project of any sort is a fickle and complex combination of controllable and uncontrollable factors. The perception, interpretation and expectations of a project are often misunderstood or taken for granted throughout its various stages. Everyone will have a different experience or understanding of the information involved. A normal condition, considering we all filter information differently, based on our past learning and environment. This means that even from the very start, projects will be borne from a nuanced and fragile idea which will receive serious strain through iteration and scrutiny by those involved, whether client, service provider or end-user. Therefore, all projects are vulnerable to misinterpretation, misunderstanding and miscommunication and often require internal mediation to reunite the project concept, implementation or collaboration
People: Places are paid for, designed, built, experienced by people, they also impact people in so many ways. Governments, designers and project developers invest a great deal of time and money on communication and negotiation to ensure friction is kept to the minimum. Despite the investment, there are times of tension between those involved. Unfortunately, some result in long term disputes ending in costly HR grievances, governmental involvement or legal action. Therefore, it may make sound business and social sense to address these situations through mediation and mitigating potential for awkward measures and implication of formal dispute escalation.
Whether a place imbued with work, leisure, wellbeing or cultural value the people involved requiring the upmost consideration and support, as do the places they occupy.