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University of Edinburgh's GREYZONE opens applications for Summer School (June 2018), call for applications

GRAYZONE of bystanders, collaborators and beneficiaries of violence escapes the scope of main Transitional Justice institutions and poses tough questions for scholars and architects of post-conflict societies

GREYZONE is a Starting Grant Project, led by Mihaela Mihai and funded by the European Commission through the European Research Council. The project is based in the Politics and International Relations department within the School of Social and Political Science, at the University of Edinburgh.

Working at the frontiers of political science, philosophy, history, law, literature and cinema, this interdisciplinary project discloses the limits of current Transitional Justice theory and practice whilst highlighting the potential use of cinema and literature in civic education aimed at deterrence and reconciliation.

F.M.H..... MLitt Peace & Conflict, Msc Architectural Conservation BA (Hons) Int. Architecture; MCSD, PgC TLHE
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