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Precarious Existences

Dutch photographer Ad van Denderen 1998 ( Image: Kurd From Iraq, Athens Greece )

Ad van Denderen is intensely intrigued by those everyday people like you and I, living in precarious circumstances. His work revisits the Israeli and Palestinian entangle, viewing much of the complexity through an architectural lens "Jerusalem Stone at Huis Marseille Museum, Amsterdam, explores his work created during visits to Israel and the Palestinian territories, in which he aims to shed light on the precarious situation in this region. The exhibition marks a meeting point in the artist’s career, as the images combine his recognisable monochromatic documentary style of 25 years with a more recent, removed and monumental colour approach" read more .

Question: Is it an exhibition of precarious situations in the region, or simply more trauma glam by artists and architects eager to capitalize on societies morbid curiosity and the uneasy feeling of complacency?

Exhibition Starts 9 December at at Huis Marseille Museum, Amsterdam,

F.M.H..... MLitt Peace & Conflict, Msc Architectural Conservation BA (Hons) Int. Architecture; MCSD, PgC TLHE
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