The Power of Aesthetics within a Peacebuilding Context

Yuriko Saito's fascinating new book, Aesthetics of the Familiar Everyday Life and World-Making, gives a compelling insight into the familiar and the power of the aesthetic, politically, socially and emotionally.
Within the realms of Internationally driven Peacebuilding interventions, the everyday familiar and the power of the local aesthetic, is often overlooked at the expense of developing an authentic local ownership and an everyday resonance, underpin by the subtle power of the familiar. This book re-awakens an awareness of the every-day and world-making processes around us, it helps to reminds us of the pitfalls related to visual complacency, where taking for granted, the complex aesthetic fabric surrounding all aspects of humanity can undermine the most sincere social projects, post conflict or otherwise.
In correspondence with Uniform November, Yuriko explains that in chapter 6 of the book, " I discuss the consequences of everyday aesthetics, I argue that aesthetic appreciation and expression are the vehicles through which we can practice moral virtues such as consideration, thoughtfulness, respect for others."
..............and that "everyday aesthetic sensibility in finding aesthetic values even in a dire environment like Gaza Strip can contribute to the residents' sense of dignity and resilience"
To explore the everyday further one might appreciate the current work by Proffesor Roger Mac Ginty and Pamina Firchow's Everyday Peace Indicators