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Event: Reflections on Syria

(Image by graaam)

Edinburgh International Festival, hosts artists from Syria, they present their stories and memories through film, music and theatre .... This promises to be a fresh perspective on conflict and the every lives of the people from Syria.

13th August 1500hrs, The Studio, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

The artist's work is introduced by multi award winning director, Yasmin Fedda ( Tell Brak Films is Yasmin Fedda’s film website), chaired by renowned journalist and broadcaster Bidisha with performances from the amazingly talented classical musician Maya Youssef..

The event in a collaboration with Shubbak "(meaning ‘window’ in Arabic) .... London’s largest biennial festival of contemporary Arab culture. Founded in 2011 by the Mayor of London, Shubbak is now an independent charity (charity number: 1150374) whose founding Chair was Omar al-Qattan. Shubbak connects London audiences and communities with the best of contemporary Arab culture through ambitious festival programmes of premieres and commissions of visual arts, film, music, theatre, dance, literature and debate. We work with arts institutions in London and internationally. Shubbak 2015 was our largest and most expansive festival to-date. It included over 130 artists, originating from 18 Arab countries, across 70 events in more than 40 venues, performing to a total audience of over 50,000".

F.M.H..... MLitt Peace & Conflict, Msc Architectural Conservation BA (Hons) Int. Architecture; MCSD, PgC TLHE
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