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Beyond Borders International Festival 26th -27th August 2017

Beyond Borders International Festival returns! 26-27th August 2017. The festival is held in Traquair House, in the Scottish Borders. There are still 'Early Bird' tickets available (now)

Beyond Borders are dedicated to facilitating dialogue and international cultural exchange between nations,

- a true gem of an organisation...

Beyond Borders Scotland is a not-for profit organisation, based in Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders. The organisation aims to create a vibrant international platform within Scotland, to break down borders between peoples, and help facilitate wider international cultural exchange, dialogue and reconciliation. Beyond Borders works across several different mediums including literature, performing arts, visual arts, heritage, film, politics and dialogue.

Beyond Borders Scotland is a not-for profit organisation, dedicated to facilitating dialogue and international cultural exchange. Beyond Borders works through several mediums - literature, arts, film, politics and dialogue - to harness Scotland's unique heritage to provide a platform to cultural leaders from around the world to exchange experiences, in an effort to promote understanding and help reduce conflict. It seeks to facilitate rather than prescribe its cultural output.

Beyond Borders Scotland uses the idyllic Traquair House in the Scottish Borders as a retreat venue for our various projects and the host of our Beyond Borders International Festival of Literature and Thought.

Traquair House is a unique piece of living history as it has been lived in for the past 900 years and thus, is the oldest inhabited house in Scotland. The house’s purpose has changed over this time to include a hunting lodge for Scotland’s monarchy, a defence tower against English occupation, and now a venue for art fairs, weddings, plays and the Beyond Borders International Festival. From entering the Bear Gates, closed nearly 300 years ago and vowed never to be opened until a Stuart king returned, to seeing relics left by Mary Queen of Scots upon her visit in 1566, many pieces of Traquair detail the rich architecture of Scotland’s history.

Traquair House is now the perfect retreat venue for project work and also for the Beyond Borders International Festival. With a past of hosting many debates on important issues, it provides the relaxing environment needed for people to spend time with their fellow thinkers and a cross-fertilisation of ideas to take place. During these times, Traquair House becomes a meeting place for world cultures to try and resolve conflicts, just as it was once used as a refuge for victims of such conflicts. It has moved from a shelter to a bridge in the world of clashing cultures, bringing these conflicts out into the open and not out of sight.

F.M.H..... MLitt Peace & Conflict, Msc Architectural Conservation BA (Hons) Int. Architecture; MCSD, PgC TLHE
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