Peace-building narrative on Robben Island
In 2015, "South African president Jacob Zuma re-iterated his controversial position that teenage mothers should be sent to Robben Island...
WARM Festival 2017
Call for Papers / Why Remember? - Memory and Forgetting in Times of War and Its Aftermath 3-Day Conference
Same, Same but Different
‘Same, same but different’ - The National Museum of Memory, Bogotá, Colombia, appears to be yet another gentrified and sanitised vehicle...
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: On the History and Legality of Detention Centres
Concentration camp, detention centre, and internment camp are different names for the same concept: “A camp where persons are confined,...
Shaping Safety: How Architects Can Build a Stronger Peace
“The built environment is not a magic solution that can feed hungry children and prevent violence – but it can act as a salve for...
The idea of destroying someones memory,
Architecture that “aspires to deal with memory can only do so by taking into account what memory struggles in vein to resist” An...
Creeping demolition by stealth
The PbCRC proposal to rework the Maze Prizon suggested by the board and their appointed architects Libeskind and Egret West risks a less...
Secret Scottish POW Camps of the Past
Secret POW Camps of the past, is a project exploring the destruction of Scottish memory. There were hundreds of ‘prisoner of war camps’...
Homo Sacer in the contemporary world
Image by Artist Tulio pinto "The situation of the refugee, displaced persons and asylum seekers in the world today has a double...
Embracing Ruination
At Last a realistic chance for new life, the Cardross site is now championed by NVA, A very interesting and dynamic practice developed to...